Supplier: MB modelcars – association of entrepreneurs Mírová 263, 742 83 Klimkovice, Czech Republic

Payment conditions: Payment for goods can be done by PayPal system, or to the bank account of the supplier:


Komercni banka

IBAN: CZ0501000000353883330217


If agreed accordingly the customer can pick up the goods at the suppplier´s business address and pay in cash.

Protection of private data: Personal data which the customer provides for the business transaction or for business registration purposes won´t be provided to any third party and will be handled according to the specific legislation. Business relationships in this e-shop are bound to specific articles of civil or business codex and other relating business norms and rules.

Telephone verification: The Supplier reserves the right to verify a validity of data and orders by phone or by e-mail. Especially for high quantity of orders.

Change of prices: The Supplier reserves the right to change prices without prior warning. At the same time the Supplier ensures that in case of price changes, the charged price will be the price at ordering time irrelevant of price increase or decrease. The principal doesn´t account for sales limited to a specific period of time (from-to).

Availability of goods: The Supplier reserves the right to cancel ( or not to accept ) or to partially fulfill an order in case the goods are out of sale or not produced any more.

Claim policy:

1. The waranty for the goods sold in the e-shop of the supplier is subject to the current and effective legislation of The Czech Republic.

2. The seller sells goods of high quality. In case of defective goods it is possible to address the Supplier.

3. The customer is obliged to inspect the goods immediately after its receiving. In case of mechanical damage of the packaging, the customer is obliged to check the condition of the goods and in case of damage to write a report about damaged goods in the presence of the transporter. Responsibility for damage during the transport is carried by the transporter. Based on the written report the customer will be provided appropriate discount or new goods will be delivered to him after closing this damage claim. By signing of transporation document the customer agrees to have received the goods and confirms the goods are delivered properly and on time.

4. In case that the goods received by the customer are not in accordance with the business contract, the customer has the right to request to the Supplier to immediately bring the goods to such condition corresponding to business contract free of charge and this is done by the exchange the goods. This condition doesn´t apply if the customer knew about discrepancy of goods according to business contract or has caused such discrepancy with this contract by himself.


By ordering the goods the customer agrees with above mentioned conditions.

Operator:  Martin Březný,  742 83  Klimkovice,  Identification number: 60807253, PHONE: .
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